A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Maybe the Hippies had it right...

Well folks, it's been a while. Sorry. It's been a busy 2 month period getting settled back into American life. But I'm back, hopefully for good now. I must say, I'm still kind of stuck on this whole Love mantra right now. What else is new right? But really, I've been thinking about the implications if everyone truly loved one another. We would have no need of bullets or politics or war or any of that. I wrote a poem this morning. I wanted to turn it into a song, and I might yet, but it would need some severe meter tweaking. So I just left it in it's free verse state. I hope that you read this for sure. But beyond that, I hope that this leaves you something to think about. How are you doing with the whole love thing? I know for sure that I am doing a pretty sucky job at it. I'm a judgmental, self righteous person I feel like. I need this poem just as much as the next guy in line. On top of that, What about Christians? Are WE doing a good job of loving others? I'm inclined to think that we're not....any way, I'm done rambling. Here's the poem.

Maybe The Hippies had it Right...

Maybe the Hippies had it right
Maybe the weed smokin, “love your brother” two fingered salute had a point
maybe that’s just what we need

But wait
“Love your brother”
I've heard that somewhere before,
Matthew 22 says it all.

I've heard this spoken
from the mouths of liars and hypocrites

So when, just when will our eyes be open
when can we set down the guns and hold hands
dancing in meadows, putting daisies in our hair?
When can we run abandoned across borders
both social and national,
without the fear of having a cross-hair upon our brow
When can we love like Hippies?

Well some say, we are fallen creatures
We sin. And that’s true.
I am no better than Hitler or Stalin.
Everyone of us is the slayer of the most important part of life.

But does that mean that we need to keep butchering this gift?
Are we to be constantly pulling the trigger into the heart which makes ours beat?
No. I say again. Not ever again.

Put down the hate and resentment.
Just read the teachings of Paul
He’ll teach you all you need to know about Love
What it is.
How to do it.

So when, just when will our eyes be open
when can we set down the guns and hold hands
dancing in meadows, putting daisies in our hair?
When can we run abandoned across borders
both social and national,
without the fear of having a cross-hair upon our brow
When can we love like Hippies?

It starts today friends.
In your heart, in your day to day lives.
A friend once told me….
“It’s a grass roots movement.
It starts here(the self) and grows outwards, like wild fire.”

When can we love like Hippies? You tell me.