A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Monday, March 3, 2014

A response.

So today, as I was sitting in my Music History Class, I was clearly not paying attention to the Professor. Instead I was on Facebook, perusing the News Feed, when I saw that my friend Cooper had posted something on his blog, Breakfast of Champions. I read his post and I wanted to write about it too.

First, you should read his post....http://coopergrimm.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/a-call-for-acceptance/

After reading this, I can honestly say I could not agree more. We so often today get caught up in who's right and who's wrong, especially the church. What happened to all the verses in the Bible that talk about Not judging your brother, because Jesus is gonna take care of that!?!?? Seriously, we just sit in our pews and cast judging eyes upon everyone who we think is not "Christian" enough. We ourselves are above reproach like that, merely because our sins are covered up by all the masks that we put upon them. In reality, I am just as messed up as any coked up sex addict out there. But we continue to judge and oppress others, especially the gay community. We don't oppress those who sleep with their daughters, read Leviticus 18 sometime, nearly as much as we oppress homosexuals. Sure, we'll send those pedophiles to jail, and sure, they'll be on a a watch list the rest of their lives, but are we trying to pass laws to deny them service like the Jim Crow laws of old? Are we denying them entrance into our churches? Are we picketing Military Funerals because of them (Freaking West Borough Baptist....I really do not like them at all?) The answer to all those questions is a simple "No". The Church is Hypocritical.

Anyway, I got on a serious tangent there. We need to simply love everyone we come into contact. Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you have to enjoy everything that they do or necessarily like them at all, but we need to be loving. Showing them kindness, patience, and everything else laid out in I Corinthians 13. Honestly, I don't care too much right about now whether Homosexuality is a sin or not. That's not what needs to be discussed right now. What the church needs to be determining is whether or not they are actually extending Love to them, along with everyone else in the world. I think that the church, myself included, does a really poor job of loving everyone. If they are different, then they are judged. That's not alright. Seriously, I feel like I'm a broken record with this, but all you need is love. Anyway, I agree with Cooper. Something needs to change. We need to begin speaking out in our Churches. Supporting them. Loving them. Loving everyone that we meet. Something needs to change.

Tune in next week for a post about Slavery.


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