A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Friday, October 18, 2013


Hey folks, real quick, just read II Corinthians 4. My friend Nolan recommended it to me this evening as we were drawing to the close of a wonderful 2 hour long skype chat. It is very good. It talks about the fact that even though we might be oppressed, and even faced with death itself, we gain even more life from Christ who strengthens us. Through our suffering, even more glory is given to God, and through that, Christ is seen through us. Pretty cool huh? And that's not even my spiritual thought!!!!!!

My spiritual thought comes from the fact that I was able to chat with two very good friends this evening. In both cases, the conversation was good, and exceedingly life giving. My spiritual thought today is the fact that relationships are not only key to living a Godly life, but they are such a joy! Sitting and talking with someone for a couple hours over a cup of coffee, or sharing one's life with someone, for example working at camp for a whole summer, is such a life giving and encouraging experience. Relationships help us to see God in very real ways. If you have a friend that you have not talked to in a while, do it. Meet up with them, share the experiences that you have had since you last saw them. Talk about faith, talk about the fun stuff that your up to. Talk about the stuff that your struggling with. Share your life with them! It is so worth it. I literally just finished that 2 hour skype talk with Nolan and I am flying higher than a kite! I am so filled with joy right now. Relationships folks, they are such an important joy in our lives.

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