A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Sorry guys, I've been away for so long it seems. I kept forgetting to post and then I was in the midst of a mini spiritual crisis, and then I was in Scotland for the weekend, so I've been a bit busy this week. Now, I have a super cool spiritual thought. buckle up folks....

I am an idolatrar, and chances are, so are you. We all love things. We all rank how much we love them too. It might be food, it might be a sports team (Go Chelsea!) it might be a spouse or a sibling. It might be a certain book series(Harry potter anyone?). That being said, most would say, I don't love food more than God, and I would agree, but the fact of the matter is, we do idolatrize things. In particular, people. Have you ever thought about how much time we devote to thinking about friends and family and loved ones in general? Not that it is a bad thing. I already talked about how we need others in our lives to help us grow and to support us and pour into us. But, sometimes, it gets to the point where we put those people above God. I know this past week, God kind of slapped me upside the head with that. I was head over heels about this girl, and I thought about her constantly. Then God was like, "What are you doing. You are thinking about her more than me. You are treating her as your god." and I was like, "Oh shoot, your right. Sorry God." That being said, it made me think...."We all, myself especially, need an intimate love relationship with God". I think I often forget that God is way cooler than having a cute girl friend, or even exploring the world that we're in. Yes, these are great gifts he's given us, but He is way cooler than them. These are things of the world, but God is eternal. He is the one that comforts us when we're down, he is the one that brings us the MOST joy on a day where everything is going right. He is love, he is beauty, he is wonderful and majestic. he is Lord and God. He wants an intimate relationship with us. He wants to be our greatest lover...shouldn't we be so attracted to that? Just a thought.

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