A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'm such a lazy-bones

Hey, It's been a very very very very long time since I last posted, least a ways it feels as such. I guess a month or so is a long time, but for me it feels like it's been so much longer than that. When last I left you I was struggling with the fact that I am an idolater, and so is most of the world...okay, all of it. Since then, as only Will Ferrel can put it, "I'm in a glass case of emotion!" click here for clip...okay, so maybe I am not quite as bad off as Ron Burgundy, after all, he did just loose his puppy, but still, I feel like I have been on such a roller coaster lately. I have experienced the highest heights of looking out over the Scottish hills, sitting by the water of Cardiff Bay, felt the true joy of worshiping God, experienced the baptism of 9 sisters and brothers in Christ, felt the energy from that, as well as the absolute lowest lows. I have been broken, brought low, humbled beyond belief. I have cried out with all of my essence. Crying for help and guidance, seeking some sort of semblance to the life that I'm living. It feels as if I am broken in two. One part of me is light. A lover of God, a reveler of joy and peace and love. The other side is darkness. A hideous creature that lies out of sight. It destroys, it corrupts, and it discourages. It is controlling and revels in debauchery and sinfulness. All this to say, I'm not exactly sure what is going on totally any particular day. I am just going through each day as it comes my way, and all the while trying to hold on to God as best I can. On top of that, the semester is coming to a close and I am eagerly awaiting my return trip home to PA. Good ol' PA. Maybe it's the fact that I don't feel very connected to a community of faith. I definitely miss my friends and family. But I think that it is God working in me. I feel growth coming through this. I think that it is God changing me, morphing me, and molding me into the man that he wants me to be. The future is coming fast, and God is preparing me for that. He is getting me ready for the challenges to come. After all, the most growth comes in the deep water of life. It is in the times where we are most challenged that we grow the most. So if you are currently experiencing some sort of challenge, whether it is idolatry, selfishness, loneliness, or any other affect of the human disorder, have hope. God is standing there, Jesus at his right hand, guiding us to Him, to His house, and into His arms. He is working in us. Helping us to grow. Sure you may look upon hardship and feel distrust and disgust at God for letting it happen to you, but that is taking a negative approach to the situation. God gives us hope in all circumstances. No matter what, there is always a positive side to what is going on. I leave you with that. :D

Also, I have been listening to this song and it is super duper good. It is talking about the end of time. It is a song from an album that is completely based off of C.S Lewis books. It's real good. You. The song is called "The World's Last Night", by Heath Mcnease. The album is called "The Weight of Glory" which can be downloaded here off of Noisetrade.com or on bandcamp. get it. It's all good

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