A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Love. Outrageous, ridiculous, amazing Love.

Hey guys, I just want you to think about one thing right now. Love. God's love to be exact. Just think about it for a second. After this, I'm almost positive you'll be saying the exact same thing I do whenever it really hits me, and that is, "How can I not be laughing with joy and screaming this Love out for all the world to hear?" Okay, so here we go.

We have this guy, his name is God, Yaweh if you want to be technical. He also goes by Jehovah, father, El Shadai, deliverer, friend, confidant, and many other things. Anyway, so we have God. He is huge. He is mammoth. He is so big tat we can not even begin to comprehend him. he is, in fact, infinite. We are finite beings, we are restricted in time and space, God isn't. He is outside of that. He is bigger than that. He friggen created it for crying out loud. On top of creating time, he created the universe, and not just the milky way. It created light years upon light years worth of space. We, at the grand scheme things, are small, insignificant specks in this universe, being catapulted around a big burning ball of fire year in and year out by the earth. How can we matter at all? It's because God made us, and Loves us. Friggen A, God made us and loves us. I'm literally shaking right now with joy at just that thought. But there is more. We, as a creation, decided, "Phht. eff God. We don't need him. We'll do it our way. We know what's best for us anyway. We are significant because we are on this earth. We are significant because of ourselves." Not because what God did, no, our big heads are too big for that. we are too selfish and get too wrapped up in what we're doing for ourselves, that we miss what God is doing. So, we have this great creator, who created time and space itself, and also created us to have a relationship with him, because he loves his creation so fricken much. Then we, the insignificant looking specks that we are, decided that we don't need him anymore. (This next bit I kind of touched on last time I wrote) Then, does he decide, "Phhht eff humans. I don't need them. I have time and space and the angels and pretty much everything I could ever want or need here at my very beckon and call."? heck no he doesn't. He decides, "No, I love my creation. They are mine. I will always love them no matter what they do. They are mine. I will bring them back to me. I will turn their eyes back to me." Enter Jesus. He comes to the world, God incarnate. God decides that he is going to personally come down to earth, as another insignificant looking speck, and actually breath and walk among us. He actually prayed for humanity. He shared meals with humanity. He laughed and cried with humanity. Above all, he loved Humanity. Then, there came a time where humans decided it was a good idea to kill God because they didn't like what He had to say. It was too personal. It was attacking their own selfish desires and wants. Does God decide, "Phht, whatever. I came down to walk and talk with you and show you how cool I am in the flesh and you still want to kill me? Later suckers."? Nope, he goes up on that cross and he dies. To show us his great love. He died to conquer death and show us the way of life. Through that death he immortalized his Love in such a way that it has turned countless eyes back to him, and countless more are yet to turn their eyes to Him still.

Now here comes the interesting part. Jesus came for the weak, the weary, the cold hearted, the thief and the criminal, the murderer, the priest, the young child, the wealthy lord, the kings of the nations, and so many  more. Jesus came for both the bad and the good. All because he loves us all, so freaking outrageously. There is no precedent for this amount of love. To put it in terms that really hit home. God came and died for me, and you, and the pastor down the street, and the con-man, and the rapist, and the pedophiles. He came for the drug dealers, the perfect house wife, the heroine addicts, the church goers. He even come and died for the likes of Hitler, and Stalin, and all of the other fear/war/death mongering dictators of our age, as well as ages past. He came and died simply because He Loves every single one of us and wants us to turn our eyes back to him. Fricken Hitler man! He came and died and rose again for Fricken Hitler. God Loves Hitler! It doesn't matter what we do. God loves us, and has grace enough for us.Freaking outrageous right? That's just the beginning though.

(If you haven't picked up that alot of this is my own personal theology yet then you should now. I say this because I want you to know that this is simply how I feel. You might not think the same way. That is alright. We all experience God differently. Don't take my word for truth. look into this stuff yourself, and really dig into what you believe about God. Figure out your own theologies.)

When our time comes and we are lifted into God's courts to be with him forever, we will be also in the presence of all the other believers from history. Abraham, Moses, Zacheus. But beyond that, We will be able to worship God, at least I hope, with brothers and sisters in Christ like Hitler, who have lived lives of fear and death. (see, my own theology is coming out now.) Jesus came to the earth and conquered death. If he conquered death, how then could death prevent salvation? I don't think that God was kidding when he said he came to redeem the entire world. I don't think the bible is kidding when it says every single knee shall bow and every single tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. If that's the case, then Jesus is so loving and so merciful and so fricken powerful, that he can redeem the likes of Hitler. Holy freaking crap?
That is some freaking outrageous love.

Guys, Love is what it is all about. God's love for us is so great. It stretches across the cosmos beyond time and space, and reaches into the very depths of darkness where it seems no light will ever shine. Guys, God loves us.

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