A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

A Gate that leads to thoughts and things
A Gate that leads to thoughts and things

Friday, November 22, 2013

The question and the solution...some profanity included...

Today I woke up and knew it was a bad day. I was tired. Today was one of those days where you simply want to lie in bed all day and forget the world exists. I walked out into the brisk november morning and wished I could just get away from everything. I turned on some good old Heath Mcnease as background noise...I didn't really want to feel like worshiping God though. Today all I could think of was just how fucked up our world is. We talked today in our Judaism class about Abortion and Euthanasia. All I could think about was the division that our world naturally makes within itself. Who's right, who's wrong. Yesterday I was saying the exact same thing regarding gay marriage. All I could think about this morning was the fact that this world is full of destruction, violence, debauchery, and death. I want nothing to do with this world. This morning I was pissed off. I didn't want to be here any more. I just wanted to pack my bags and live in a cabin on a mountain by myself for eternity. All I wanted was for God to come down in His heavenly light and whisk the sin and death within this corrupted world away, once and for all. I still want that. I will always want that. I so desire the "New Jerusalem" as Revelation puts it. I want to live, finally, in a world where sin and death is no more. Not even a memory, it is completely and utterly abolished. Never to return again. Humanity living in harmony with God, like I said in the first post, oh so long ago. On my 20 minute walk back from class this morning I was thinking and brooding upon these things when I realized, "Have I given up on the world?" How can I? God himself didn't give up on the world. He could have just decided to leave and build a new garden of Eden and a new Adam as soon as the old one decided it was a good idea to eat the fruit. He could have decided to utterly wipe every single human being off of the face of the earth with the flood, but he didn't. He kept with us. He chose Noah to go on and continue humanity's existence. Above all else, he gave us Jesus. His son, to come and live in this world with us. Among us. For us. He died FOR US. He rose, FOR US. We are still supposed to love in His name, to care for others in His name, and sow seeds of joy in His name, all because He has not given up on us yet. How then, can I sit and wallow in my own shit? God still Loves us and wishes the best for us. We need to continue to sow seeds of joy and love. We need to continue furthering His kingdom here on earth. That day will come when sin will be no more. Let us not be discouraged by the fact that there is so much shit in the world. Instead, let us become energized by the holy spirit, as we continue to do God's good work. There is still abundant life and joy to be had. Let us live it to the full. All for God's wonderful and kingly Glory. Amen. (imagine that period at the end was plunked with excessive force)

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